Registration Fee

The registration fee includes snacks and drinks during the conference and a cultural event on Friday afternoon.

Dates and fees (in euro):

Early registration: Jan. 1 2023 – Jan. 31, 2023; fee: 75 (students)/150 (standard);

Normal registration: Feb. 1 – May 31, 2023; fee: 100 (students)/200 (standard);

Late registration: after June 1, 2023; fee: 125 (students)/250 (standard).

Payment Information

The conference fee can be payed via PayPal (recommended) or bank transfer. In both cases, please include your name and mail address, so that we can process the fee accordingly.

For questions concerning payments please contact Matthias Bähr.

Via Paypal:
Error! Missing PayPal API credentials. Please configure the PayPal API credentials by going to the settings menu of this plugin.
Via Bank Transfer:
Name: 13. IWC 2023
IBAN: DE62 1203 0000 1080 7268 45