
You are cordially invited to attend this conference and submit your abstracts for presentations in any of the following sections (sections listed alphabetically):

  1. German Whitehead research (in German)
  2. Whitehead and Aesthetics
  3. Whitehead and Analytical Philosophy
  4. Whitehead and Biology
  5. Whitehead and China
  6. Whitehead and classical Greek Philosophy
  7. Whitehead: Education and Psychology
  8. Whitehead and Integral Ecology
  9. Whitehead and Integral Economics
  10. Whitehead and Phenomenology
  11. Whitehead and Pragmatism
  12. Whitehead and Social Sciences
  13. Whitehead and Susanne Langer
  14. Whitehead and the Philosophy of the 21st Century
  15. Whitehead and Theology
  16. Whitehead, Bergson and Deleuze
  17. Whitehead, Mathematics and Physics
  18. Whitehead, Spinoza and Leibniz

Section heads

Alex Haitos, Martin Kaplicky, Godehard Brüntrup, Maria-Teresa Teixeira, Franz Riffert, Robert Regnier, Zhihe Wang & Meijun Fan, Hilan Bensusan, Barbara Muraca, Andrew Schwartz, Vesselin Petrov, Joachim Klose, Christoph Kann, Luca Vanzago, Alessia Giacone, Melanie Sehgal, Michael Halewood, Paul Stenner, Derek Malone-France.